ACSI and sustainability

Almost 60 years of camping and travel experience means a great of experience with a changing world. This why we at ACSI consciously choose for sustainability and we want to inspire campsite visitors to consciously consider their holiday. Together we ensure that campsite visitors can continue to enjoy a wonderful holiday in the time to come as well. Of course, there is still a world for us to win. These steps are the ones that ACSI has already taken. Do you have some more tips on sustainability for us? We would very much appreciate hearing them!

Becoming aware

At ACSI we are actively working on becoming aware and responsible entrepreneurship. We believe that a healthy planet is essential for maintaining the camping experience, which is something we realise together.  We are happy to share new insights and trends about environmental friendliness with both campsite visitors and campsites. This includes topics such as electric cars with a towing hook, energy saving at campsites, water conservation, solar panels and charging stations at campsites. We map out these developments in the camping industry annually and share them throughout all of Europe in, for example, ACSI FreeLife magazine and ACSI Times.

Campsites with an ecolabel

Various campsites have joined campsite specialist ACSI with an ecolabel. Think of the international Green Key certificate, which stands for sustainable business operations and environmental responsibility in the tourism sector, the Italian non-profit organisation Legambiente, or the EU Ecolabel. An ecolabel shows that the campsite is working on sustainability and reducing the impact on the environment. It also creates awareness among guests, which allows the campsite to stimulate more sustainable tourism. At and, it is possible to filter for these eco-campsites. You will find a total of almost 1,000 campsites that are consciously busy with the state of the environment.

Check out eco-campsites

Sustainability: our brands

We are also actively engaged in sustainability on product level. ACSI Kampeerreizen and Suncamp are good examples of this. ACSI Kampeerreizen uses electric buses for excursions, dine at the farmer’s table and stimulate the use of public transport for independent excursions. Suncamp offers, among other things, insight into the CO2 emissions per trip and donates € 2 from each booking to a sustainability goal. Furthermore, Suncamp visitors receive sustainability tips from our WhatsApp service Anna. If you want to know more, take a look at (a Dutch website) or



A flight-free holiday

Since camping is the most sustainable form of holiday, many of our destinations can be reached by car. According to Milieu Centraal (a Dutch website about sustainability), a trip by car contributes 1 to 4 times less to the greenhouse effect than the same trip by airplane. Going on holiday with an electric car is also becoming much easier, with increasingly more campsites providing charging stations for your electric car. You can filter for this in the search process at, and

PEFC certified paper

All ACSI campsite guides are printed on PEFC-certified paper from sustainably managed forests. The use of this paper guarantees that the forest is managed sustainably and will continue to exist. This means that harvest and growth are kept in balance so that the forest is preserved. We made a conscious choice for this. In this way, we can guarantee that the forests that are the source of our guides can continue to realise their important ecological and economic function.

Discover our guides

CampingCard ACSI Digitaal


For years, our focus has been on the digitalisation process. For several years now, our customers have been able to use our apps. With the ACSI Campsites Europe app, it is possible to find and book a campsite; with the ACSI Camping Tours app of ACSI Camping Tours, travellers can consult their route book; and, as of 2024, you can purchase your digital CampingCard ACSI in the ACSI webshop. As a result, printing route books and travel documents is no longer necessary for those who prefer not to do so. This means that we reduce paper waste as well as the CO2 emissions that are released when transporting and producing paper.

Sustainability at the office

We also consider sustainability close to home. An increasing number of ACSI’s company cars are electric and we encourage employees to cycle to work as much as possible. For example, we have a bicycle-lease plan. Our employees also receive full reimbursement for travel costs if they travel to the office with public transport. To keep our employees employable in a sustainable manner as well, we offer a company fitness programme and daily fruit from the Betuwe (region in the Netherlands). Finally, our head office is kept clean using biodegradable cleaning products, and our buildings are fitted with LED lighting.

Always developing

At ACSI, we are always developing, and so is the theme of sustainability. If you have any tips for us, please send them to us via: